Quick housekeeping: for those of you who subscribed to the former TinyLetter version of this note — last sent in August 2019 — welcome back! You may remember that I shared one thing every week that I was very into. I kept it brief — just 150 words — and sent 23 issues.
And then one day I forgot, a pandemic happened, I moved a couple times, then woke up one day with the sudden desire to start it up again.
So I joined Substack like everyone else you know! If you’re still interested in subscribing, great — you will keep receiving these updates right here in your inbox.
If this no longer serves or interests you, please unsubscribe! I have never and will never look at who is unsubscribing because I unsubscribe to things daily and also my ego can’t handle it, so no hard feelings I PROMISE.
Now, let’s pick up where we left off:
I’m refusing to acknowledge the pressure I feel to start this back up with a banger recommendation and instead diving right in with something I’ve been meaning to share for a couple months now: Pirate Ship.
Pirate Ship is a free, easy-to-use website that gives you a discount on shipping rates for both USPS and UPS. In addition to saving you (a lot of) money, you can view your outgoing shipments, tracking numbers, and delivery status all in one place.
As a former USPS Flat Rate Box devotee, I’ve saved way more money using Pirate Ship’s UPS rates (though you still get a discount on flat rate boxes as well!)
I used it to overnight homemade oatmeal creme pies to my dad for Christmas, to send themed care packages to my best friends’ kids in my ongoing campaign to be their best friend, and most recently to send a very heavy oversized box to my brother-in-law that I could have sworn would cost me $50+ but actually cost $19 (girl math would say I made $31 with Pirate Ship).
So go forth & ship more cheaply! I’ll be back next week with another Thing (unless I forget & go another 232 weeks without sharing).
P.S. If you want to read Things #1-23, I moved them over from TinyLetter and you can read them all in the archives. I still stand by nearly all of them!
Plus, a Substack hot tip: the Substack app allows you to read all the things you’re subscribed to & *the emails bypass your inbox entirely* which keeps my inbox clear and also makes it more likely that I’ll read all the posts from my favorite creators. It enables comments & conversations & feels like the closest I’ve gotten to Google Reader vibes #rip.
Substack app ftw!!!